We are called to love as God loves. The greatest gift we can offer one another is sacrificial love, modeled to us first by Christ on the cross. This is the very heart of a living faith.
I began to truly understand sacrificial love when I became a parent. God has entrusted four little souls to the care of my husband and me. What a tremendous grace and responsibility! As a mother, I am the image of Christ for my children. I am there to nurture, teach, care for, and comfort them. I want to provide every good thing for them. When they are sick and hurting my own heart aches. God understands the love of a parent, for Christ Himself asked, “Which one of you would hand his son a stone when he asks for bread, or a snake when he asks for a fish?” (Mt 7:9-10).
God our father sees that the world is sick and suffering and sends us a mother, His mother, to instruct, encourage, advise and intercede for us. She comes to lead us to living water, Jesus Christ, so we will never be thirsty again. She reminds us that in the Eucharist we have true food, the Bread of Life, so we may never be hungry for anything but God. She hears the world crying and comforts us with the knowledge that God is with us.
God sends us the Blessed Mother because He gave her to us from His cross. Christ made her the mother of the entire world with the words, “Behold, your mother.” (Jn 19:27). Since that time, she has constantly interceded for us before God’s throne. She has obtained for us immeasurable grace through her prayer. We are blessed that God sent us a good mother to remind us that He loves us.
For nine years now the Blessed Mother has been teaching us who gather together at the Heavenly Grace Prayer Group this truth. She teaches us how to pray with the heart and to love as God intends for us to love. She asks us to be merciful and to live our faith each day. She desires for us to embrace the sacraments and prayer. She asks us to praise God with the fullness of our beings, with every breath we take, with every word that we speak, in all that we do. She has taught us through her own example that God does not expect us to accomplish great things, but to be faithful to Him in the daily events of our lives.
In her first book, Heavenly Grace, our Blessed Mother reminded us of the Gospel truths that we have forgotten. God also sent to us saints to show us that with His grace we can be Christlike. Our Blessed Mother’s teaching continued when she gave to us Standing In A Miracle. She asked us to make prayer and service the foundation of our lives. In this final book, Loved For All Ages, our Blessed Mother reveals to us God’s eternal and total love for us. She calls us to imitate Christ’s sacrificial love. In her final message to the prayer group, our Blessed Mother said, “How many words I have spoken and how many messages I have brought, and yet were I given the opportunity to speak to you but one thing, it would be this – love God through serving others!”
Many of those who I have come to know have shared with me the great loneliness that they have felt and the sadness of broken marriages, of misguided children, and wounds that would not heal without God’s grace. I have been honored to hear these stories of how they searched and could not find peace until they found it in God. He gave them the strength to move out of sorrow, to accept His love, and live with joy. This is what I believe God sent our Blessed Mother to tell us. In Him, mercy, forgiveness, and love are ours, for He has made us His children. He understands our pain and hardships. In Christ, He walked the way of the cross so we will have the courage to carry the small crosses in our lives. He has given to us the Church and the sacraments to guide us along the right path. He has commissioned us to share with others the grace we have received. In Him, we are loved for all ages.
It is my prayer that in reading these messages you will be inspired to live your faith in every moment. May the words of our Blessed Mother pierce your heart and fill you with joy.