The Blessed Mother’s Words:
My dear little ones, praise God always and forever. Know that He who is grand, He who is mighty, He who is all things is with you. Praise Him and thank Him, for He has sent me to speak with you that you might know that He hears and answers your prayers, that you might know He works in your lives and that He is alive in your hearts. My dear little ones, truly it is good to be with you in this way. Know that I come to you as your mother with love in my heart for each of my children, all of those whom the Lord has permitted me to mother, for from His cross He gave to me all of mankind that I should not only bear the Son of God, Word Incarnate, but that I should mother, council, advise, teach, and intercede on behalf of all of the world.
My dear ones, there is much sickness in this world. Many people . . . they are sick with loneliness, they are sick with depression, they are ill from a lack of knowledge of the love of God. They are diseased by the corruption, by the materialism, by all those things which your society embraces that are not of God. Even in your own country that professes, ‘In God We Trust,’ God is removed from your homes and your schools. He is taken from your government. He is taken from the people. These things I need not speak to you, for you know this to be true. For all time since Clement and Peter walked upon the earth, my little ones have known persecution.
My dear ones, I come today not to remind you of all that is ill in the world, but to encourage you, truly to teach you, how to make the world bright and anew, shining for God that He might look upon the world with joy and pleasing eyes. My dear ones, you have been commissioned, truly commissioned, as the very first apostles who walked with Christ. From those twelve, He sent them out that all of the churches of all of the world . . . from place to place all of the peoples . . . might be converted to my son, converted to our Lord, that all of these peoples might know that God is with them. So He was called Emmanuel when He came that those who followed Him would know that God was with them. My dearest little ones, it is the same in this day when evil and corruption have become the way of the world.
My dearest ones, go as those apostles commissioned by Christ. Go to all corners of the world and teach. Spread the news of Christ’s love. A daunting task this seems, and when you read in your scriptures about the travels and trials that the first founders of the church encountered, oftentimes their difficulties are overlooked and their accomplishments are recorded. At times it must seem so difficult and a task so unsuitable for a people who truly are faulted, but I tell you that those who founded your church, the church of God, were just as you are. You have known this to be true. You have known through their messages brought to you through the mercies and love of God that they were as you are, with their faults, with their weaknesses. They were as you are, with families to tend to . . . careers . . . work. They too needed a shelter, clothing, food in their stomachs. They were as you are, human . . . erred, but with God’s grace made into a great, great thing.
And so I tell you . . . you have been commissioned and each of you, each one of you in your own way, has much to give. Whether a priest or a teacher, a healer or keeper of peace . . . whether a mother or spouse, a friend, a sister . . . you have much to give. My children are hurting. A mother’s heart cries out for your help. My little ones . . . they are so in need. And so I do pray that you will go and that you will be as the first disciples, that you will tend to their needs, that you will go among those who are hurting and bring the healing love of Christ. It is not a daunting task and it is not difficult with the love of God as your strength and your courage. Pray each day that the Holy Spirit might work within you and inspire you each day in little ways to bring Christ to the world.
God does not wish for His children to live in darkness. He desires that they know the light of His love, faith, and joy. In all that you do . . . in every task, in every moment . . . bring Christ into the world through your example, through your words, through your actions. Let all who know you, know that you are a follower of Christ. Let them know that truly the Lord is your master by who you are. There are many of my children who would say that they wish to follow. . . there are many of my children who would like to change the way of the world, but few who would take up the cause of God, who would truly devote themselves to bringing about a revolution of love. This is what I wish for. This is my prayer, that my little ones who I have come to, who I have spoken to, who I have brought messages of hope and encouragement to throughout the world, would go out as lambs among wolves, would go out as the first apostles of my son did and teach and spread the good news that God is alive, that God is with them.
My dear little ones, know that I am with you in this. Know that I do pray and intercede on your behalf each day in all things. Know that God is most pleased with you. He sends His Holy Spirit down upon you that you might be strengthened, that you might know His will, and that you might have the courage and judgement to complete that which He asks of you. Do not strive to do big things, for our God speaks in silence and He is humble and small among that which is great and built to be mighty in this world. Oftentimes, God cannot be seen in that which is grand, but most in that which is small . . . those things most overlooked, those words unheard, the silence that is often ignored. Seek His wisdom in the silence of your hearts. Pray that in a small way each day you might be carriers of His will, you might truly serve Him in all that you do, and you might be blessed . . . continually blessed . . . to be called His children and in His favor.
My dear ones, it is with the love of a mother that I do say, may the peace of Christ be with you always, and may you know the joy and faith of God who, with you . . . creature and creator, loved and beloved . . . truly knows you, wishes to be part of your lives. Continue, my little ones, with love in your heart. Strive always to do what God asks of you and know that I do pray with you and for you always. Be at peace as I bless you in the name of He who is mighty, in the name of the Son our savior, and the Holy Spirit who dwells in the silence of your hearts.
The Blessed Mother’s Word’s:
My dear little ones, know that it is with great joy that I greet you this day. Know that I come to you as a mother, as your counsel, as your advisor. Know that I do love you and bring you always before my son as a gift and offering to Him. Praise and glorify God always. He alone is good and through Him such graces are made possible. His love for you is so great that He pours out Himself upon this world, pours out His Spirit that you might know Him, that He might know you, His little lambs.
My dearest little ones, I come today to speak to you about purpose, for when God lovingly created the world from the dust of the cosmos, He had purpose. There was reason in His creation and goodness. For you, He formed a perfect world and breathed life upon it that you might dwell in Him, that you might know Him, that you might love Him, that you might serve Him. His design for humankind was so grand! He desired that His little children would be forever in Him . . . perfect . . . creator and creation.
My dearest little ones, it was through weakness that you fell. Your father’s fathers, you . . . yourselves, you have weaknesses. God does not despise your weaknesses, for He knows them, each of them. God desires for you to perfect yourselves in your weaknesses. One cannot perfect oneself if he does not realize that he is in such need of God, and so I tell you . . . look to your lives. Know that God is with you. Recognize your great need for God that He might perfect you. In the weakness of humanity the world has become a dark place. Never . . . never has the world been so far from God. Many of my little children choose to be far from Him. They turn their backs to Him, to His word, to His people. Many of my children despise our Lord and hate Him. My dear ones, what a horrible thing this is! What a horrible thing, for our God loves you so much He bursts with joy at our words of prayer. He delights in seeing your beautiful, shining souls when you come before Him in your Masses, in your sacraments, in your prayer. All that our God wants is for you, His people, to be in love with Him.
I have told you that I will speak about purpose and I have explained that God does all things with purpose. He designed you to be perfect, but humanity fell away from Him. His purpose in the world now is to bring humanity back into His arms that He might cradle you as children and love you, that you might love Him as He loves you, and that creature and creator . . . father and child . . . might be united in a way that they once were. Dearest little ones, this is why He sends me. This is why He sends to you His saints, His angels, those who come as ambassadors of His will. Know that I do not come for any reason, save to glorify God alone, that His will might be done.
Dearest children, He sends to you all of His aid, all of His council. He gives to you your guardian angels that they might watch and care for you and direct you in goodness. He gives to you the saints that they might be examples of walking His way. He gives to you His own son that you might be fed and nourished by the body and blood of His love. And in sending to you His mother He gives to you His most wondrous gift of joy, peace, and hope, for this is the message that He has told me to proclaim . . . a message of joy that His children might be joyful, for God is with them . . . a message of hope, for God loves His children so much that He will do all that He can to unite Himself with His children who are so lost . . . a message of peace, peace be with you. Live in peace. Let peace envelop you. Let peace fill you homes. Let it be in your heart, in your mind, and in your soul, for a heart in turmoil, a soul in darkness, a mind cluttered with things of this world, cannot see God.
Dear ones, my purpose is simple. I come to you that you would know God, that you might love and adore Him as He should be. He is so grand! Never could you comprehend while on this earth the love of our Lord. Certainly you would die with joy! Dear ones, I have come to you that you might know His work, that you might know His will, that you might hear again that same message given to you in His scriptures, that message of love, peace, conversion, joy, gratitude. These are things you were taught by Jesus’ humble, obedient example. I come to teach you as a mother, as a councilor, as an advocate for you before the Father, and I ask that you teach one another, that you take what I have given you . . . these messages that I have brought . . . and bring them to your homes. Give them to your families through your example, through your words, through your evangelization. Give them to your friends, to those whom you know, that the light of the Lord would permeate the darkness that covers the earth.
Dear children, my purpose for you is simple. Love one another. Teach those around you that they are loved by God. By all means, share this joy I have given to you, this great gift the Father has allowed for me to bring to you of His words, stated again through His humble servant. I come to you as a servant, not as a leader. I serve God who loves you, who desires to make you leaders . . . leaders of His church . . . His most beautiful church . . . that which is His hands, His feet, His body. It is the people who make the Church and Jesus Christ . . . He who lived, died, resurrected, and ascended that you might be saved . . . desires that you would go and lead His people, be shepherds of His flock, be stewards of His grace. Let Him work through you that He might be alive on this earth. He has given to you Himself. He has given to you His mother. Again and again He sacrifices Himself on your altars. He has given you His forgiveness in your sacraments . . . His joy . . . His love. Would you not give to your Lord the same? Would you not give Him all that you have?
Dearest ones, I know that in your hearts you desire to serve and so this is why I come to you. This is my purpose . . . the purpose of God, to teach you to serve one another, to teach you to be good stewards of the graces you have received, to teach you to pray . . . pray without ceasing. And so, if you desire to know that which God wishes for you to do, follow these words, “Pray! Pray always!” Make your life a prayer. Give all that you have to God, all of your joys, all of your sufferings, all that you endure, all that you must go through, all that is difficult, all that is joyful. Each day keep Him in your mind and in your heart and in your soul. Do not allow yourself to be separated from Him for an instant. Do not be distracted by that which is around you, for truly it is a distraction.
Secondly, I ask you to love one another. Love yourselves by respecting yourself and giving dignity to all life. Love your God by serving those who have no one to serve them, by teaching those who are uneducated, by helping those who are hurt and ailing, by being compassionate to those who are lonely . . . afraid . . . sick. Be merciful and mercy shall be given to you. Be joyful and you will know God’s joy. Be workers of peace and you will know the peace that Christ brings.
Finally, speak my words to those whom you know . . . the words that have been given to me by the Father to share with you. Tell them that God loves them so much that He breaks into this world to bring His sheep home to the shepherd. God will never cease to call. He will never cease to call His sheep. Never will He leave you alone. Never shall you be abandoned. He breaks into this world through His body and blood, through the Holy Spirit that dwells upon each of you and within your homes and hearts, through the perfect sacrifice of the Lamb on the altars, through His sacraments . . . His reconciliation, the marriage vows that He has given to you that you might know truly what God’s love is, the holy priesthood, the graces that you receive in anointings . . . through the Church, that which is most holy. He gives Himself to you through His messengers, through His mother, through His saints, through His angels that guard you. Seek Him. You will not look far, for He is all around you calling your name, knowing each one of your hearts. He is a God who loves His people so very much that He goes to them, embraces them, draws them near, and invites them home to Him.
My dear ones, it is with great joy that I am with you. Know that the darkness of the world is great and it is most, most saddening, but the light of Christ is eternal and its brightness cannot be quenched. When in the hearts of His little children, our Lord works many miracles. Open yourselves to Him that you might be a beacon in the darkness and that this world, so dark and so alone, might come to know the love that God has intended for it since the beginning of time. He has created you for perfection. He has created you for love. Accept those gifts which He gives to you with a grateful heart and know that He is with you.
The Blessed Mother’s Words:
My dear little children, praise God and glorify Him for He alone is holy. He is all goodness and all joy. It is He who sends me that you might know His peace. Dear little ones, be filled with grace. Open your hearts to grace that it might fill you and free you from sin. Accept the grace that God offers to you through the many gifts He has placed in your lives.
In this time, when you prepare to remember our Lord’s most precious gift of His passion, death, and resurrection, I urge you . . . find my son and our Lord in the sacraments that He has given to you. Find Him as you reconcile with Him. Find Him as you commune with Him in the Holy Eucharist. Find Him in one another as you are good stewards of His will. Practice the virtues you have been taught. Give with all of your heart to God that He might give all in return.
Dear little ones, what a joyful task this is to give your hearts completely to our Lord, to give yourselves . . . the fullness of your heart and mind, the fullness of your body . . . for His work, that your hands might be His own and your feet His own, that you might speak His word, that you might teach as He did, that you might be vessels for that mission which He calls you to. Our Lord has created you most marvelously. He has placed within your own hearts many gifts . . . many great gifts. Our Lord comes to you. He asks you to invite Him into your own life and into your heart, to pray, “Lord, free me. Let me do your will.” He knocks.
Dear children, will you answer Him? I tell you, what great joy you will know. Our God who is love, who loves you dearly, desires that you would do His will. Pray. Open your hearts to Him through prayer. Give of yourself completely in prayer. In this way, you will know the Lord’s will as His Holy Spirit is with you and in a small voice . . . a silent voice . . . He tells you that which He wills. Listen. This is something that is so often not done.
Dear children, how often my little ones will speak and yet they do not open their ears to listen. They do not hear with their hearts. I ask you, hear with your heart. Open yourself to hear His word in your church, in His gifts of the sacraments, in one another, in those who you serve. Hear Him. See Him there too, my little ones. See Him. He is with you. See with your heart and not your eyes, for they deceive you. Our Lord is alive and He is with you. He walks ever beside you and ever before you. He leads you down the path of righteousness and goodness. He walks with you to holiness. See Him with your hearts in all that you do. Praise Him, for He is so good that He does not abandon His children, but as a gentle father leads them safely and joyfully to their eternal home which He has prepared.
Dear ones, what a great father our Lord is. How well He tends to our needs. What do we need that He has not given to us? What could we possibly desire that would not be ours in God’s will? Dear children, our God loves us so. He is so merciful and so good. He desire that you place yourself before Him. Place your hearts before His cross. Truly give yourself to Him there. Lay yourself completely before His cross that through His loving gaze you might be filled and freed, you might be renewed in spirit as you meditate and remember His passion, death, and resurrection. Dear children know that in life many times you are called to die to yourself. You are called to die to your own desires, to your own will. As Christ died for the sins of man only to be raised up by the Father in heaven to glory, so too will you be raised in glory if you die to yourselves.
Dear children, God wants for you to live joyfully. He has given you life that you might live it abundantly. Do so with gratitude and do so in a way which is self sacrificing that you might give to those who have less than you, that you might teach those who are uneducated, heal the sick, help the injured, comfort the lonely. Dear little ones, there is so much you can do. God has given to you such gifts, such grace. Open your hearts to His grace. None of you has no gift to offer. There is not one of you who could not touch the hearts of many. There is not one of you who is not essential in our God’s plan of salvation for the world. He came into this world as a humble child. He taught. He learned. He laughed and loved and cried, and He showed us all the way to eternal salvation through His cross, that resurrection into glory that our Lord has promised to those who are true to Him. In this same way, love your lives. Do love them, for they are a gift from God, but live them in a way in which they are a very gift to our father in heaven.
My dear little ones, when you reflect on our Lord’s passion and death, remember that He has done all of this for love of you. Each one of you . . . your faces He beheld, your hearts He knew. Our Lord has created you so very special . . . so very special. You are more precious to Him than all things. Each heart . . . each soul, His own doing . . . His own creation carved on the palm of His hand with the love of a father . . . true love . . . unconditional love. So few of my little ones know how loved they are. No one person would deny the requests of the mother or father that loved them, raised them, and cherished them. No person would turn a cold shoulder to their parents who brought them into the world and gave them life, and I tell you, our father in heaven who brought you into this world and breathed His own life into you, who gave you His earthly life upon a cross in Calvary . . . He beckons to you. He beckons to you and calls to you. He asks for you to give your life in service to Him by serving one another.
This is a task which is not difficult. Should you open your heart, God will fill you with the graces that you would need to accomplish His will. He will send His Holy Spirit that you, like His first apostles, might have the words to preach, might have the ears to listen, might have the eyes to see with the heart. Go as they did and teach and pray and live and love, for God has given you many graces and much joy. Thank Him always, for He has blessed you abundantly.
Know that you have been given all things. Do give all that you have in return. In your own little ways this will please God tremendously, for He desires that you serve one another and lead one another to His heavenly home. This is the way He has established His church, that one man might take the hand of another and guide him, that one man might lead another. Christ came as that man, that God made man, to lead . . . to guide. He now asks you to do the same, to turn to your own brothers and sisters and lead them and guide them on the way to freedom, love, and joy.
I have spoken much to you on such things and I have taught you that you are not alone, that you are so loved, that God is a good and merciful Lord, and that all that He desires is your own hearts. This is the message I wish to give to you again this evening, for I will say it to you again and again. It is most important. Do pray. Do love the Lord through service and good works. Do see Him in all that He has given to you. Do not turn a blind eye nor deaf ear to Him, but see and hear with the heart. See that He is with you. Know that He loves you. See His goodness in your lives and praise Him. Glorify Him for all that He is, for He alone is deserving of all praise and He alone is deserving of all glory.
Dear children, be joyful. Your father in heaven holds you near to Him. He beckons to you. He desires your own hearts. Hear and answer Him. Dear ones, I do bless you in His name and I pray that His peace and His glory will be with you always.
The Blessed Mother’s Words:
My dear little ones, know that it is good for me to be here to speak among you. Do praise God and thank Him for all His goodness, for He is love and has given to you such blessings . . . such tremendous blessings you cannot imagine. He who loves you like little children is with you. He sends to you His angels and saints, His messengers and mother, that you might be pulled close to His heart, drawn ever nearer to Him, that each day you might walk closer, nearer, more beautifully and perfectly, in His light.
Dear ones, do all that you do for Him. Dedicate yourselves completely to God, for when God who is all powerful is the center of your hearts and minds, spirit, soul, world, truly you will know great things. God has designed you for this that you would give all that you have to Him. He has created you. He has given to you such gifts, such talents. He has made you masters over one another in that you are to truly lift up, support, and teach each other.
He sent His son. You have celebrated this joyful season of His resurrection when you remember that it was the Son who is the redeemer and the salvation. He sent His son to teach you that to be a human being, to be a creation of God, is to live with compassion and mercy. There is nothing more than the Christ, who is and always shall be compassion and mercy. Emulate Him with all that you do. Live a compassionate life. It is one thing, my dear children, to give from your hearts. It is one thing to give freely all that you have and then some. When you give, do not do it that you might be rewarded here. That is troubling, for God . . . He seeks to see that which no other sees, that which is hidden away, that which is contained in your own heart and in your own soul. In this way, you keep these treasures in your heart to present them to God when you stand before Him. Live a compassionate life. You have been charged with each other’s care. Truly it is your job to lead and to guide and to teach and to learn, no matter who you are and what you do with your life.
There are so many . . . so many gifts given by the Father. To one He gives the gift of prophesy and to another the gift to hear and understand . . . to another the gift of wisdom, another right judgement and the discernment of all things good. Some are able to teach, others to speak, some but to listen. All are important and necessary . . . vital . . . truly essential. Jesus has set His church apart to be the way and the truth and the life as He was. He has made you the body . . . truly the hands and feet of His church. The body has many parts, but one mission, just as you all have been created in your individuality with one mission. Use those gifts that God has given to you to be an example of the compassion and mercy of Christ, for this is what motivated all that He did . . . love for His fellow human beings.
God has created you separate . . . distinct from all of creation in that He has given to you the incredible gift of will. This is something that was given to no other creation. You retain will, a freedom, the ability to choose to reason, to think, to know, and to experience God in a way that no other creation from the beginning of time ever has or ever will. You experience Him as Abba, as the Father, the one who loves you tremendously and has sent His own son to be the sacrificial lamb. You experience Him as a teacher, as guidance in your life, in the quiet whisperings of the Holy Spirit, in the friends and comforters He sends to you. Rejoice, for you have known God in a way that no other creation has known Him!
He has created you in this way because He desires that you choose Him and choose His road. He desires that you choose to help one another. You know that there are many in the world who do not yet know that my son is Lord, who do not yet know that they are loved by God. What a horrible thing this is! How terrible, for God has created you to be loved. He has created you to love. He has created you all as His children, more precious to Him than the stars of the night . . . than the oceans of the world. For each one of you He would give His own life. For each one of you He gave His life that you might receive life as well. Know this, if Christ had come but to save but one soul, He would have come. If there was only one who would have listened, He would have spoken. If only one would have been healed, He would have touched and reached out to His children. If there was but one who would open their eyes and see God, He would have come in all of His glory. Christ came to this earth for each one of you, uniquely, individually, for no other reason except that He loves you and desires that you choose Him.
Dear ones, you have been given such power of prayer! You do not know how beautiful your prayers are. You cannot imagine the joy in heaven when my little ones pray. It is for this reason that I continue to tell you to pray. Pray always! Live your life as a prayer, for if you knew the joy of the heavens you would never cease to pray. Continue to build a life of holiness through compassion and mercy, through prayer and a love for the sacraments. Love my Jesus as you find Him in your churches, in your gifts . . . in that which you have to give to the world and in those who He has sent to you. Truly I tell you, when God . . . He who is all things . . . is in your presence, when God who loves you tremendously is with you, you will know that you have all strength, that you have all courage, that you have all things because you are His. He does not abandon His children. Should you choose to walk with Him, He will be with you ever vigilant, ever protecting, as a father to a child.
Know this as well my little ones, when you stand before your God, there is nothing more important . . . no greater gift that you could give to Him . . . than to treat, each day of your life, your brothers and sisters in Christ as you would treat our Lord, for truly they are the greatest creation of God. They are His children. God has placed His own children in your care. He has asked you to be their teacher, their mentor, their friend, and their comforter. His own dear little ones . . . would you not reach out with all of your heart to comfort those who He loves so dearly? In all of the world there is no gift greater than to give yourself to another human being in friendship, in love, and in faith. It is in this way, and through strong prayer spoken with the true knowledge that God is with you, that you will come so very close to our father’s kingdom.
This was the life of Jesus, the life of He who came to redeem and to teach us how to find our own way home to our father. He was compassion and mercy. He was prayer and obedience. He spent much time with those who were hurting and He offered what He could . . . whether it was bread and fish, a healing touch, or words of great love and encouragement. Do the same in your lives. Reach out to those who are in need. Reach out to those who you can give much to, for know that you have been truly blessed. God will not forget you. He will not abandon you. How He seeks to serve the world through His people! How He desires those who give themselves to Him to be servants that He might touch His own children through them.
Dear ones, be encouraged and be filled with hope, for God is with you and you are His children. He loves you as a father. He loves you in a way you will never be loved again. He knows you. He has created you all special, individual, and perfect in His eyes. When you have cause to fall from Him, when you walk a tempting road, lift up all that you are to God. Ask Him to see that which is most beautiful within you, your perfect shining soul, and ask Him through His mercy and compassion to help you each day to walk closer to Him. Find Him in your sacraments . . . find him in one another, but my dear children, never cease to look, for He is there waiting for you.
Dear ones, be joyful and know that God is with you, as I your mother am with you. I offer to you my motherly blessing and I pray that God might grant you peace, mercy, and compassion, all the days of your life. May He be with you, and may the Holy Spirit inspire you to go and to do that which you have been told to do, to teach, to assist, to comfort, to be Christ on earth. My dear ones, may you be blessed in the name of He who is holy, the Most Holy Trinity, who is and ever shall be forever. Amen.
The Blessed Mother’s Words:
My dear little ones, know that I am pleased to be among you, to worship our Lord with you. Thank Him and praise Him and know that you do please Him and give Him much glory when you honor His mother. Dear little ones, He who is all goodness is with you. He who is all mercy and all compassion is with you. Praise Him, for you are most blessed.
Dear little ones, today I invite you to a renewed sense of prayer within your homes, within your families, within your own hearts. I urge you to discover the peace and the beauty of prayer. God has given to you prayer as a most precious gift . . . a gift that is so often left by the wayside, gone unused, not multiplied, but hidden away. I tell you that prayer . . . it is so beautiful that all of the heavens rejoice when you lift your voices up to our father in heaven. You cannot know the power of your prayer, nor how one prayer multiplies into many, as you join your voices and your hearts together to pray for all of your needs and to pray in thanksgiving for all you have been given.
I invite you to pray with the fullness of your hearts. In doing this you must not concern yourself with those things that distract you. This is difficult, for there are many distractions in this world, but I invite you to find a place of quiet peace and rest to focus completely on your Lord your God, to empty your heart of all that you do not wish to bring to Him. Thank Him. Praise Him. Give to Him your sorrows and also your joys. Remember the sick, the dying, the suffering to Him, for He who is all mercy and compassion wishes to bestow such graces upon them. Bring your children before Him in prayer. Bring your spouse, your parents, your friends and your enemies. All people who are remembered in prayer are blessed, for God does not let a prayer go unanswered, but He hears and answers with that which is in His will.
When you pray, do not be concerned if you are distracted. Instead, continue to pray and persevere in prayer. Do not become frustrated. Do not be anxious. Let peace fill your heart. The greatest fruit of prayer is peace . . . peace in your life, in your heart, in all that you do. Those who pray with the fullness of their heart and desire to find God there in prayer know a peace that others cannot comprehend. God truly comes to you when you are with Him in prayer. He takes your heart . . . all of its cares, all of its sorrows . . . and blesses it and multiplies those graces and carries those pains which you must bear.
Peace. Peace is so necessary in your lives, in your world today. Your world is so lacking peace and it is so easy to attain. I urge you, find the peace that only Christ can bring through prayer and a love for prayer. If you find prayer difficult, continue on . . . persevere . . . for God will give to you those graces necessary that you might love . . . truly cherish . . . those moments, hours, days spent in prayer. Each day make it your true goal to spend more time with your Lord than you did the last. In this way, you will come to find such peace.
Prayer is not only spoken with the heart nor recited with the mouth, but it is lived. Prayer is the Christian walk. It is the way which you are called to follow. When Jesus prayed, when He came before His people and He prayed to His father in heaven, He did so that they might know the words to speak to God, that they might know that He is their father as He was our Lord’s father, that they might know that He is so grand that He has created each of you to call Him by that most precious and intimate name, for indeed you are His children.
When Jesus prayed and taught His followers to pray, He did not worry about what others would think of Him. He did not consider the words He used, for words are so inadequate. Rather He spoke that which was in His heart, “Father, you who are glorious.” Do address our father with such love, for He does love you tremendously and deserves all of your worship and praise. Jesus asked the Father to send all that He needed, to supply each day the needs for Himself. In the same way, never fear to ask God to fulfill your needs . . . your health, your home, shelter and food. He will provide for you as He has provided for all of creation. “Preserve me from evil.” Christ, even our Lord, did ask our father to preserve Him from evil. In the same way do pray this prayer, for it is powerful. Would you know the angels that God sent to you when you pray these words, you would be marveled. “Amen.” A most precious word. Believe in God. Praise Him. Express your love and belief in Him.
Faith is something that is lived each day. It is a road and a conversion. It is a journey. Each day you walk your trip of faith. Each day you move closer to our Lord. He has planted within your hearts the seed of faith that you might know Him and see Him as your Lord, your master, and your redeemer. He has given each one of you that grace, that tremendous grace, that is of the most beautiful and most wondrous man can receive. It is up to you to decide whether that faith that has been given to you will be nurtured and tenderly cared for and grown until strong, stronger than the cornerstone, or if that faith shall be left unused . . . hidden away.
Our Lord invites you to pray. He invites you to a growing faith, a faith that changes each day as you become more and more in love with Him. He invites you to a life of prayer . . . to living your prayer through your actions, through your words, through your thoughts, through all that you are and all that you hope to be. Abandon yourself to God. I cannot tell you how wondrous this is, for there are no better hands in which to place yourself, no better care than the care of our father in heaven. Continue to pray. I am most grateful for your prayers said for my intentions and know that I do lift up you and all of your intentions to our father, before His cross . . . the Almighty Son, and the Holy Spirit where He reigns in heaven.
Dear little children, know that you are most loved. Know that God desires an intimate walk with you. He desires to know your hearts, to love you, to serve you His people as He served you when He came upon this earth to teach you to pray. Do thank Him. Do praise Him. Do give Him all that He is deserving of, all that you have, all that you are, and all that you ever shall be, through a life of building faith and a strong prayer from the heart.
My dear little ones, may you be blessed in the name of Christ who is and always shall be. Know that I am with you in a special way, that I do give to you my motherly blessing, that I lift you up before the Father and pray that you might know His peace. May the peace of Christ be with all of you each day. Each day may you know God’s grace, may you feel His presence, and may blessings abound in your life.
The Blessed Mother’s Words:
My dear little ones, know that I come to you and I bring to you my motherly blessing. Know that I join with you in praising God. Continue to be grateful and praise Him, for all that you have has been given to you through His goodness. All that you are has been formed by Him. All that you will be, will be accomplished through His Most Holy Spirit. Dear ones, know you are His most blessed. Know you are His children. Know you are most loved.
My little ones, I call you to be bearers of hope in the world. I call you to bring the joy of Christ . . . His peace, His love, and His forgiveness. This world is so in want for hope. There are many, many of my little ones who are desolate, who are afraid, who seek out our Lord, and yet their fear blinds them and they cannot see Him. My little ones, be bearers of hope. Christ has sent you as He sent His first disciples among many that you might be witnesses to Him through your lives, through your words, through all that you are. You are His hands and His feet upon this earth. You are truly the Church of God. He does His work through those who will lend themselves completely to Him, abandon themselves to Him, to His will. I invite you to give yourselves completely to God. Do not seek that which your own will desires, but rather abandon yourself to Him that He might free you from all that binds you to this earth and that He might give you purpose and meaning in His own will.
Dear ones, the will of God is always hope. It is always joy. It is always love. Know that as you bear the light of Christ in this world you also bring the hope of God. The people of God are set apart by the mere fact that they do hope in Him, for God will not abandon you and you know that you are your father’s children. You are protected and guided and inspired with His Most Holy Spirit. Flee to His comfort and to His aid. He will be with you, ever nearer to you. Run to Him. Let Him be your sole salvation, for He alone is the redeemer and the Lord. There are many, many gods that people in this world would worship, but I tell you none will bring salvation but the one true Lord. Be a people of hope in how you live. Live your lives joyfully.
Gratitude is such a gift of the Holy Spirit . . . gratitude for all that you have and all you have been given. I desire for my children to recognize the blessings in their lives and to thank God for them, for so often they are unnoticed. Be grateful. See how He has provided you the very things that you have, the very things that you own, that which you eat, and that which shelters you. See how He has provided companionship in family, blessings of love and forgiveness and friendship. See how He has given to you the greatest of gifts . . . His own life, His own son, faith that is unshakable. Thank Him. Praise Him, for from gratitude stems hope.
When you are grateful for all that you have you will see God most clearly in your life. You will see that He is real and alive and with you, so very present, more present than many of the things that are held to be gods in this world. I tell you this and it is true, though many do not see it, for God who is unseen and unheard . . . He is the most real, most beautiful, and most present gift in your life. He is with you through all things. Through times of happiness and trial . . . through joys and sorrows, He is with you.
Live a life of hope through prayer. It is only a hopeful people who pray because those who believe that prayer changes the hearts of men have hope in God’s mercy, His generosity, and His compassion. And I assure you that prayer does change the hearts of many. Prayer is a great grace and makes possible such grace from God, you cannot imagine. Pray with fervency and love. Pray with a desire to be nearer to our Lord, to know Him intimately as you would know a friend. Pray with the desire to love Him and to serve Him. Bring before Him all of your faults in prayer and ask that He might heal you, for our Lord came upon this earth to teach, to heal, to minister in so many ways. He desires to heal you as a whole person . . . body . . . mind . . . spirit . . . soul. He is a God of goodness. Bring all things to Him and lay them before Him. Abandon all of your cares to Him. Know that He will truly provide all that you need and during times of trial will provide the strength for you to endure.
My little ones, be a people of hope through your families. Love one another. Share with one another your time, your talents, your gifts, your friendship, your faith. Show your family that you serve them as you serve God, with the fullness of your hearts. Be a people of hope in your church, in your community, in your world. Do not be despairing. Do not be discouraged. Do not allow the distractions and hardships of life to encompass you, but rather flee to God. Flee to your life, to your salvation, and know that God will give to you all graces necessary to endure all things and He will multiply the blessings you receive many, many fold.
Dear ones, when you learn to live as a people of hope you will be joyful, for the Holy Spirit brings hope and joy. This is what I have come to offer to you, the peace of Christ, a joyful peace, a peace that is without end, and a peace that is hope. I bring to you a message of holiness, for holiness is achieved through a life lived with God, in God, and through God. Only when you recognize Him in your life through gratitude, only when you see Him as He works ever vigilantly by your side, only when you see Him through the hearts of one another in hopeful peace, will you know . . . truly know . . . that God is with you and you will be joyful.
My little ones, I have taught you many things and you have learned much. I continue to teach you that you might be evermore the people that God has created you to be, His most perfect disciples. Dear ones, know that you are loved above all else. Know that you are most precious of all creation. For this reason alone have great joy. Take courage from this and be encouraged in your faith. Know that God has sent me to you to be a messenger of hope and a bearer of hope. He now sends you to be a messenger of hope to others that the darkness of this world might be lit by His love, His life, and His enduring love for all people. Whether they see Him and recognize Him or turn their heads from Him, He is with all people. He will not forsake His children. He will not abandon them. He is an ever vigilant father, waiting and calling to His little ones.
Do help Him. Do show Him that you do desire to serve in your life by emulating Christ. Do pray with the fulness of your hearts that you might reap the benefits of living a life of grace. Do ask Him to come into your lives to forgive all that is wrong, all that is sinful and to heal all that is hurt, for I assure you, God will bring to you all mercies and all goodness if only you would ask. Do be a people of hope. Live the Christian life, a life led in emulation of Christ. Know that it is not an easy life, but it is one that brings much joy. Place your heart, your whole heart, and all that you are on the altar of God. Offer yourself completely to Him and you will find joy even in your sorrows, even in your trials, even in your weaknesses.
Do not despair or be discouraged, but rather rejoice, for you are God’s chosen people. He has called you by name and He has heard your prayers. You have answered His call and you are most favored by God. Know that He has given you so many things. See Him and answer Him each day . . . in your own ways, in your lives . . . that He might forever more be glorified, that the Holy Trinity of God . . . Father, Son, and Spirit . . . may reign in the hearts of all mankind.
My dear ones, I give to you my motherly blessing and I pray that you might always know the hope that is of God, through God, and from God. My dear ones, be encouraged. Be at peace. Know that you are loved and know that I am with you as a mother, protectress, and intercessor.
The Blessed Mother’s Words:
My dear little ones, how good it is for you to gather and praise the Lord together. May His name be blessed forever. Dear children I lift up your prayers, your sacrifices, your joys, and your sorrows to our father with the care of a mother. Know that I have interceded on your behalf and I continue to do so. Know that I who come to guide you sent by the Father, wish to remind you that you are loved, that you are cared for. For these things be grateful.
More than any other gift you have been given, be grateful for the gift of faith, for truly this is what makes your life worth living. Without faith there is no hope. Without hope, no love. Dear children, praise God each day for this gift He has given to you, for I tell you that faith truly is a gift. It is not something that is learned nor is it something that can be earned. It is given freely by God, for He loves you tremendously.
You, as disciples of Christ, are called to serve and yet you cannot teach the faith, you cannot give faith to those in whom you come in contact with, you cannot let them share in such delights as God has given to you. Only the Lord can give the gift of faith. You are called not to impart this gift, but to ready the fields for the Father to plant. You are called to be the workers of His fields, the tenders of His vineyards. You are called to make ready the soil that when the seed of faith is planted it may not wither, but grow strong and tall in the hearts of all men.
I have called you to do this as the Father has instructed me through a life of prayer, through a life of leadership by your Christian example, through a life of charity and obedience, and I tell you that it is not in the great nor the powerful that God exists most clearly in this world, but through the ordinary and the mundane and the trivial. Many great men have lived and done great things, but often times it is a small thing . . . one word, one action from an ordinary man . . . that makes all the difference.
Dear ones, I tell you that you are essential in our father’s plan, His plan of salvation for all mankind. He has sent to earth His son to be the shepherd, to be the sower of the seeds, to tend to His lambs, to tend to His fields. The Son, our Lord, gave to you the Word. He gave to you, as to the first disciples, the gift of faith. He has sent you to become as the first disciples were, teachers, healers, ministers, friends. Through these actions you will impart charity, compassion, empathy, love, and all virtues to your fellow man. In this way you ready the fields so the Father may plant the seed of hope, faith, and love in the hearts of mankind.
Dear children, do not cease to be grateful for this gift you have been given, for truly, truly you do not know what a gift you have. Many of my little ones live without faith in God. Many refuse to turn their face to His grace. How sad this is and how difficult. It is for this reason that our father in heaven sends me, sends many messengers into this world, that it might become illuminated by His love and His light, by His joy and His peace, by His steadfast faithfulness. I ask you to continue in your missions, whatever the Lord has called you to, whatever vocation . . . whether it is as husband or wife, or priest or friend, or sister or brother, or daughter or son. Continue in these vocations to be teachers of the faith . . . examples of the faith, for the gift of faith is freely given by God, but the hearts of men must be willing and ready to accept that gift.
Never cease to pray my little ones, for prayer is so important. It strengthens your own soul and gives to you all graces necessary to endure hardships and rejoice in true joy. Know that the Lord provides for you all things as He has provided for all creation. Trust completely in Him. He is unfailing.
Dear little ones, I give to you my blessing. I pray that the Lord will bless you with all graces, with all joys, with all wisdom and all knowledge. I ask you to pray that the wisdom of God would fill your hearts, for it is in this way, through the Holy Spirit, through which you will be great teachers, great healers, great ministers of the truth. Dear children, be encouraged in your faith. Be encouraged on your journey with God. Know that He is with you always, standing close behind and ever near, guiding you and guarding you, protecting you from harm. Dear little ones, praise His name. May He be glorified forever and ever.
Note: On this evening, the prayer group met in the church during Eucharistic Adoration.
The Blessed Mother’s Words:
My dear little ones, know how good it is for me to come to you in this way before your most precious and holy gift, the greatest gift that the Father can give to you. Know that should I have not come and said a word to you, you would lack nothing, but without this gift in the Most Holy Eucharist you lack everything. You have been witness to a greater thing this night than any sign and any miracle, than any words that I can supply to you, than any gifts of grace given to you elsewhere. You have been given the privilege of being in the true presence of our Lord, our Christ . . . He who is one in the same, who came forth from the power of the Holy Spirit and became man, who walked upon this earth as teacher, master, friend, and healer . . . who through His own death and resurrection has freed us and saved us and made our way clear that we might join our eternal father in heaven.
Dear ones, know that you are so blessed. Contemplate the blessings you have been given. You do not know the grace . . . you do not know the glory that is hidden in the humility, in the obedience, in the perfect love, of our Eucharistic Lord.
My dear ones, on this night when you gather in this way I ask you to consider these things. Often I have called you to emulate our Lord, to do as He did, to go and to teach, to heal, to love, to forgive. It is in this way that you will become true followers of the master . . . true servants of God . . . and it is in this way that you will teach the world that God is love, that He is mercy and that He is alive in this world, that He works through His people, for you are His hands and feet. You do His will. I ask you to contemplate this gift you have been given.
See how the Lord comes to you. See that He does not come with great splendor, with lights, with sound, with miraculous interventions. See that He comes to you in humility. See that He comes to you in silence. Emulate this. Live a life of silent prayer. Always be at prayer in your hearts. Let your hearts be filled with the Holy Spirit that every word you utter and every thought you think might be a prayer glorifying our God in heaven. Live in humility. You have been given so much and you are so blessed, but do not allow yourself to be tempted in pride. Rather, live a life of gratitude, for humility does give gratitude.
Dear children, the Lord has given you so much. He is given to the world all that He is . . . poured out His own spirit, His own blood, His own body. Be grateful, for never ever will you see a finer gift. Never can you give to Him what He has given to you, for even should you give Him your entire life, your death, all that you are, you cannot give to Him eternal life, that most precious gift that He has given to you. Know that should you give all that you are to Him, He will give all that He has in return and what a fine thing this is!
Dear ones, see that He comes peacefully. See that he does not come with airs. See that He does not come to teach in an arrogant manner. See that He does not come to yell, to fight in anger. I understand the difficulty in your daily lives, oftentimes with families, with homes, with spouses, with parents. There are so many things to overwhelm you, to pull you away from a prayerful peace. I tell you, do as Jesus does. No matter what insult is hurled at Him, and truly He is insulted in this world, He is peaceful, He is silent, and He is faithful. Ever can you find Him here in your church. Ever can you find Him in your tabernacles. He is unfailing. In the same way, my dear ones, be unfailing. When you are confronted with anger, be at peace. When you feel hostility, hurt, resentment, unforgiveness, pray that the Holy Spirit would fill you that you might know such virtues as forgiveness, joy, peace of your spirit, and a love for your neighbor, for your family, for those who have hurt you.
See how our Lord is so obedient, even that He follows your natural laws, this God of all power, of all glory, and of all might. He who has created all that is in you, all that surrounds you, all that you ever shall be . . . He who has created all that you know and all that you do, all that is true to you . . . He hides himself plainly without favor. He hides Himself in bread and wine, unseen to you, but glorified by the millions of angels who surround Him. See that He was obedient even to His executioners. See that He died as a mortal man would die, that He laid in the tomb, He who was king of all things, who created the very rock that His tomb was made from.
In the same way, be obedient. Obey the Church and your priests. They are God’s chosen ones to lead you. Obey your families . . . your parents and your spouses. Do that which you have vowed to do. Be faithful to those commitments you make. Obey the Lord. Do as He has called you to do with obedience, with love in your heart, with a true joy that comes only from serving Him. Be obedient when it is most difficult and you will be rewarded. The Holy Spirit will give to you all that you need. You need not worry. You need not fret, for all that you need . . . all graces, all glories of God . . . are given to you as His children, for truly, you are His children.
Dear ones, worship our Lord always in all things. Do as He does, for He is the light of the world and He shows you the way to the Father’s kingdom. See how He is, how beautiful and how spectacular, how obedient and how marvelous, how glorified. I wish that you could see how He is glorified in our father’s kingdom, for never would you turn your face from a church without genuflecting and bowing before Him. Never could you pass by without falling prostrate in front of your face, falling down before Him on your knees, crossing yourself, and thanking Him for His glory, for His mercy, for His compassion. If you could but see the angels that surround Him, the angels that come to Him to comfort Him in sorrows, to exalt Him, to glorify Him, never would you see with the same eyes again.
I encourage you, remove the veil from your eyes. See what you have not seen before. See what you cannot see unless you look with a heart of prayer, love, and joy. See the eternal sacrifice, the beginning and the end, all that is and all that ever shall be. See your salvation, your very life, the love that you know in your homes, in your families, with your friends . . . the successes that you’ve had, the failures that you’ve shared with Him. See all that you can be with Him. See all that you can give up and happily so, for I tell you how good it is to die to yourself and to inherit all that God has to give to you.
Each day consecrate yourself to Him. Come before Him. Pray that the Holy Spirit would make you not what you want to be, not what you desire to be, but rather what God desires you to be, for it is a much greater thing. Truly you will never know joy like you will know joy with God. He desires to give His children who are His very heart, who are His love, all things, all goodness, and all grace. Do not turn away from the love of a father. It is before you as I speak. See the greatest gift, the gift of Himself that He gives to you. He pours His heart out, His own blood and His own body that He might be so intimately involved in your own lives, not only in your minds, not only in your souls, not only within your hearts, but part of your own flesh as He came forth from my flesh in humility that He might teach you the way to our Lord.
Dear ones, accept this incredible gift you have been given. Know that there are no words that I can say to you to describe the glory that He deserves, the glory that He is given in our father’s kingdom. I tell you this that you might be joyful and encouraged. For though many times it seems that all is lost, that there is much darkness in the world, I tell you a much greater body of the Church, the Church glorified in our father’s kingdom, does honor Him and does worship Him and it is for His love of all of you . . . those with Him in glory, those who like you still struggle on their faith journeys, and all people who ever shall come . . . it is for love of you that He comes to you in this way, that He allows me to come to speak to you, that He allows the small miracles in your life each day . . . the tiny things that often go unnoticed. Truly our God is love and His love for you is without measure. His love for you is greater than all things and it is His greatest gift poured out upon your altars as His own flesh.
Dear children, see this miracle before you. Never cease to praise God, for He is all goodness and He is all joy. I offer to you this day my motherly blessing. I pray that you might know the peace of God in your hearts, that in times of trouble, that in times of hardship, you might cling to Him as your salvation and that you might follow Him on the walk to holiness through humility and obedience. May God be ever with you.
The Blessed Mother’s Words:
My dear little ones, glory be to God who is and always shall be King of kings, Lord of lords. My dear ones, I bring to you my motherly blessing. I pray that you might be blessed with peace and joy without measure. I pray that you might be blessed by God in all things, that you might always walk in His light, and grow in faith each day.
Dear little ones, long have I come to you and spoken to you of many things. I have taught you that God is love and that His love for you is unending. I have taught you that Christ is the way. He is the truth. He is the life. I have taught you that to be as God desires you to be, you must follow Christ in carrying your crosses, in sharing your joys, in walking with one another to assist one another on your road to salvation. I have taught you that Christ was the teacher, that He was the master, that He was all things good and continues to be all things good as He reigns now in heaven at the right hand of the Father Almighty. I have taught you that the Holy Spirit directs you and guides you, walks with you, speaks to you, whispers in the silence of your heart the will of God that you might know it and love it. I have taught you to be charitable, to be obedient to God. Subject yourselves to God, to His will, to His most divine providence. Place yourselves entirely in His care. Turn your eyes trustingly toward heaven and allow God to show you things unseen to all men.
My dear little ones, I have taught you of peace. I have asked you to bring peace to your hearts, peace to your homes, peace to your world. I have asked you to pray. I continue to ask you to pray. Prayer is essential. It is most, most necessary. Know that your prayers bring great grace to your life. Your prayers make light of the darkness. Your prayers . . . they are most precious.
My dear children, I have spoken to you of many things. Today I come to you and I ask you to dedicate yourselves to all that I have asked and to continue to pursue these things, these virtues that I have taught you. Learn to live all that you have been taught in a more full, in a deeper, in a more beautiful way. I invite you again to reflect on all you have been given, not only through my messages, but through the holy scriptures, the Word of God, all that is necessary for your salvation. I invite you to reflect on your lives this day . . . to reflect on your life, your family, your home, your job, your needs, your graces, your blessings, all things given by God. I invite you, dear children, to strive to find new ways to serve Him, to go and to do all that has been asked of you with a more full commitment, truly a deeper commitment.
I have asked many things of you and I come not with my own words and not by my own will, but bearing the words of the Father in heaven who has sent me and it is by His will that I come. What a gift you have been given! What tremendous gifts you have. I come joyfully as your mother, as any earthly mother, to remind her children of what is right, of what is good, of what will help them to grow strong and sure.
Dear ones, this is my hope and my wish for you. This is my desire and my prayer, that each day you would walk nearer to our father in heaven, that each day you might see Him in all who surround you, that you might serve Him in all that you do, and you might know Him in your own lives. And so I invite you, dear children, commit yourselves completely to God. Fill your heart with His joy, with His love, with His mercy. All that I have asked of you, I ask again from you, and I ask you to pursue it with a tremendous fervency, a love, a desire . . . a burning desire . . . to serve. I ask you to recommit yourselves to God, to dedicate yourselves to Him, to give to Him your lives, your homes, your families, all things.
Dear little ones, how easy it is for us to seek to serve God. How easy it is for us to desire to serve Him. I ask you to do what is most difficult, truly what is most difficult. Go out into the world and be lambs among wolves. Do what I have asked you to do, that which God has asked you to do. It is one thing to ask you to give up all things for God. Your hearts are filled with desire. Your hearts are filled with love and a desire to serve. You desire to serve God and to give all things to Him, but still you find it difficult.
Know that I come to encourage you in this, to assure you that with God all things are possible. Alone you can do nothing for His glory. Alone you will stumble and you will fall. That is the nature of man. It has been that way since man has departed from God and will be that way until you see God reunited with man. I tell you though that God, who has sent His only son to be your savior, to be your light, to be your joy, to be your life . . . He has made it possible for you to be perfected in Him if you seek His will, if you desire to do all that He desires, if you desire to do nothing for yourself, but give all things to Him. Truly the greatest things that you can do in your lives is to give all things to God, to give to Him all that you have and that you are, as He has given to you all that He is.
Dear ones, you do not know the power you have. You do not know how much God can do in this world. You do not know how He can be glorified through your simple “yes.” I invite you to say ‘yes’ to God in your lives. I invite you to pray humbly, “Lord, may your will be done.” I invite you to give your hearts to Him, to give your dreams to Him, to give your souls to Him, to give your heart, mind, body, spirit, will, all things that are most uniquely you, to Him. Know He will purify you. He will build you up. He will strengthen you. He will bless you and you will do great things in His name.
Dear ones, it is most beautiful that God has created you for this task. It is most beautiful! He desires for you to give up all things that He might give you all things in return. Dear little ones, this is a very difficult thing. There are many things in this world that call your attention away. There are many things that are distractions. Some of these things that distract you from the work of God are good . . . your homes and your families, your pursuits of service. Others are not so good.
Dear little ones, I ask you to concentrate you efforts in your home. First and foremost among all other things, the home is the bedrock of faith. It is the cradle of faith. It is the most beautiful and most perfect representation of the Trinity. In a home, in your families, you are bound together as one unit . . . not individuals, but as one. Serve one another as you would serve your own needs. Seek out all good things for one another. See God in the face of your children, of your spouse, of your family, of your parents. See God there and serve Him there. This world is in desperate need, my dear children, of family . . . of a loving family. Family is so tremendously important that God saw fit to send His own son, His own divine son, to an earthly mother and an earthly father that He might be taught as you are taught, that He might grow as you grow, that He might learn to love in the family.
My dear children, in this way . . . this simple step . . . this will help you in your commitment to God, in your decision to dedicate all that you are to Him. If your can serve completely within your family, it will not be difficult to turn your efforts elsewhere, to your community, to your church, to those who you come in contact with, in your work, in your friendships. It is the family that must be served as you serve God. You must serve selflessly. You must give all that you might be given much in return. In this way, you will learn discipline. You will learn love. You will learn obedience and you will learn the beauty of humility.
Dear children, serve your family members. Once you have completed these tasks, strive harder. Try harder, for never can you perfect yourself until the day that you stand in your father’s kingdom. There is always more you can do. There is much that can be done.
Pray! Pray! Pray! Prayer is the way that you will learn what is right. Prayer is the way that you will be strengthened. It is the way that you will know the will of God. Prayer is a most valuable gift. It is without measure. Dear children, through prayer God speaks to each one of you, to your hearts, to your minds. In the silence within you, He speaks to you. He whispers to you all that He desires of you. Pray always. Pray when you are joyful. Pray when you are sorrowful. Pray when you do not feel like praying, and pray that God will place a love for prayer in your heart at these times. Know that the more you pray, the easier you will find it to be . . . to love.
Serve your family. Serve your church and your community. Serve all those who come into your life, for they are reflections of God. God has placed His children in your care. He has reached out to you and offered to a role in the most beautiful salvation of the world. Jesus Christ came that all might be redeemed, that all might be saved, that all might exist in the most beautiful place that God has prepared for us. He invites you, through His messenger, to go and to be truly His shepherds leading His sheep. Our Lord is present and alive in this world. He is more real and more present than many, many things.
Dear ones, it is good for you to do all that you do in your life. It is good for you to live a life that is abundant and joyful, but do not fail to see our Lord who exists with you, who walks with you, who assists you, who comforts you, who loves and sorrows with you. Dear ones, this is the way to live a life that is worth living, to live it with the full memory that God is with you, to live it with full obedience to that which He has called you to do, and to live it with full gratitude for all He has blessed you with.
Dear children, I invite you to say ‘yes’ to what God has asked of you. Though it may seem difficult . . . insurmountable . . . I tell this is not so. God has given to you the assistance of all of the heavens. He has sent to you His Most Holy Spirit that you might be filled with the gifts of courage, of wisdom, of knowledge and truth, a desire to do that which is right, and a reverence for all that is holy. You have been given all that need. You have your homes and your families to provide love for you that you might see the love of God and desire to emulate it. You have been given your church to be your leader, your teacher, to be your master while here, for the Church is as Christ is. Dear children, you have been given all things good . . . the gifts of prayer, of your sacraments, the gifts without measure that God pours into your life each day in simple ways . . . gifts so often overlooked.
Above all else, my dear children, desire to serve and continue to persevere in service. Do not fear failure, for God does not punish those who fail, but He desires that those who fail would turn to Him, ask for forgiveness, and be received with open arms. No father rejects a child. No mother turns away her little ones. Our father in heaven will never reject you. Our father in heaven will never turn you away. No matter how many times you fall, He is with you. He sends to you all assistance and all aid, that you might walk closer to Him.
Even in His passion on the road to Golgotha, our Lord did fall. He fell and He did not remain fallen, but stood again and continued on His road. In this He has shown you that to fall is not to err. To fall and to stay without desire to repent, without love in you heart, filled with anger and bitterness . . . this is a grave, grave error. Rather I tell you, when you do fail in this, pray to God. Pray fully with your heart. Beg Him to give you all mercies and all graces and all compassion, and know that it will be poured forth upon you more fully, more beautifully, more perfectly than you can imagine. Dear ones, our Lord does not expect perfection from you. He desires your obedience. He desires your love. He desires your commitment to serve him.
Dear children, I too come as a servant. I come with the words of the Father upon my lips that you might be taught, that you might be lead, that you might be shown the way. I come to you pointing to the Christ as I have done many times, as I shall always do. I lead you before His cross. I place you there in my own prayers and I place you before our father in heaven. I desire to serve God and I desire that you would serve as well, for He alone should be glorified among all things. He alone is goodness.
Dear ones, be encouraged. I tell you this again and again, for this world is filled with that which would discourage you. Know that Christ is alive. Know that He is risen. What a joy this is! If you were to mediate upon this each day, what joy you would have in your life. He is risen. He waits for you. He calls to you. He reaches out to you and invites you to participate fully in the great mystery of His love, the mystery of redemption.
Dear ones, serve God. Serve God that all might know what He has done for them. God came to save all people. He desires that all would know Him, that all would call Him, ‘Lord.’ Dear ones, with your commitment you make this possible as you go and you make ready the fields that He might sow the seeds of faith among the hearts of His people.
Dear children, know that I too am with you. I am your mother and I will continue to come to you so long as the Lord permits me to come. Know that this grace has made many, many, many blessings possible. Thank God for this grace you have received. I go before Him with all of your prayers, with all of your intentions, and I intercede on your behalf. I give to you the blessing of a mother who cares for you, who loves you as her own child . . . her own little ones. Dear children, united with our Lord, many, many great things are possible. Unite yourself to God. Bind yourself to His most beautiful Sacred Heart that in all things and in all times He might be glorified.
Dear children, I bless you and I pray that God will walk with you always, that you would know Him, love Him, and serve Him each day of your life. May His will become your will. May you lift all that you have to Him and may you be grateful for the great blessings He has poured forth into your lives.
The Blessed Mother’s Words:
My dear little ones, may God be ever present with you. Know that I come bearing His graces, His blessings, the fruit of His goodness. Know that I come in His name as His messenger to bring to you a message of peace, a message of hope, and a message of love.
Dear little ones, you are so in need of peace. Your world, it hungers for peace. Peace is essential. There must be peace. In your world, peace is defined very differently than it is in the eyes of God. In your world, you seek peace that you might all strive to do that which you will with the freedom to seek your own desires, your own needs, all that you desire, without fear of violence, without fear of suppression. Peace, in this world, is a fragile thing. It is fleeting. It is imperfect. Peace, in this world, is a means to self love, a means to envy, a means to seeking that which one desires above all else, even at the expense of all others.
When the world speaks of peace, it speaks of a time of selfishness, of freedom to choose what is good for oneself. I tell you that the peace of God . . . it is a much greater thing, for unlike the peace that you know in this world, the peace of God is a joy. It is a perfect joy. The peace that God desires to extend to you, to pour forth upon you and bless you with, is a peace that is also a freedom, but a greater freedom. It is the freedom for you, with your own will, with your own heart, with your own mind . . . created individually by God who loves you more than all of creation . . . it is the freedom for you to use these things to choose to serve. It is the freedom to choose to put the will of God . . . the needs of others . . . above your own, above your desires, above your wants and your cares.
The peace of God is a joy, for when you live in His peace you live with great humility and awe for the wonderful blessings He has put into your life, and a love for your fellow man. The peace of God is perfect. It is unfailing. The peace of God is most beautiful. When you live in the peace of God, you love to serve. You seek to know God through prayer. It is to know God through prayer, through the Church, through the sacraments, through one another. When you live in His peace, you seek to obey. You live in humility. You live with a simple life, a simple desire to be an instrument of God. The peace that the world offers . . . it is not lasting. It is empty and it is shallow, but the peace that God extends to you, the peace that He brings, the peace that He sends me with, is a peace that truly will fill you and free you in ways that you have not known before.
The world enslaves my little children. The world teaches my children that they are not free, that they must follow their own desires, that they are no greater than that of the nature of an animal. I tell you, this is not so, for God has raised you up above all else. He has created you in His own image. Into you He has breathed His own life that you might have an eternal soul, a soul that will live and reside in His glory and in His love for always.
Dear little ones, do not believe that which the world has to tell you. Do not allow the world to discourage you, to take away your hope, to give to you false peace. I tell you, all that you know here is passing. All that you see . . . it is temporal. In God, all things exist in perfection. His only desire is to love His children, to be with His children, to lead and to guide His children that they might join Him in the home He has prepared.
Dear little ones, strive to have His peace in your life. It is the peace that is acquired through prayer . . . through much prayer. Dear little ones, as you pray you intimately come into the presence of God. He fills your own heart and your own soul. He heals the wounds that you have acquired in this world. He breathes into you new life and new strength. He gives to you the power of the Holy Spirit that you might have wisdom, grace, courage, a boldness in your faith, and a deep gratitude for the beautiful gifts God has given to you. When you live in His peace and accept the gift of His peace, you will know tremendous joy, you will know tremendous love, and you will not have a day pass in which you do not see the hand of God working in your life.
I come to you often, extending the peace of Christ. I speak these words to you that you might hear and understand that this peace that I speak of is not a peace that is temporal. It is not a peace that will fail. Rather, it is the perfect expression of God’s love for you, for it is enduring, it is eternal, and it will free you from all things that in your own individual hearts, in your own wills, in your own desires, with your own mind that God Himself shaped and molded, you might have the freedom to choose to love.
To love is a choice. It is not something that comes easily. It is not something that comes without crosses to bear, but I tell you, if you should suffer your crosses with patience, if you should desire to love in all things even when it is most difficult, God will be with you to strengthen you. He will not abandon you. He will not leave you. Rather, He will be glorified through your actions and He, in His perfect love, in His tremendous majesty, will glorify you.
Dear ones, know that God has lifted you up. He has raised you above all things. He has loved you to the point of dying and rising for your own salvation that He might be eternally with you. The love that God has for you is without measure. The graces that He desires to pour upon you . . . they are unimaginable! Open your hearts to His peace that you might receive this gift, that you might live a life of humility, obedience, and service, and that your eyes might be truly unveiled, you may not be blinded by the lies which the world has told you, but you might see that you are truly a most beautiful creation of God destined to serve Him, to give Him glory, to know Him, to love Him, and to be loved by Him.
Dear little ones, I come to you extending my motherly blessing. I offer the peace of Christ to you. I bring to you the graces of God. Know that I continue to pray for you and intercede on your behalf. I thank you for the prayers that you have offered for my intentions. I ask you to continue to pray, for with prayer many graces are possible and the peace of God, not the peace of man, will fill this earth. God’s peace will triumph and all of creation shall call Him Lord! Continue to pray. Know that your prayers are most beautiful. They are a great, great gift and they are most necessary.
Dear children, I bless you in the name of God and I offer to you the peace of Christ. May you live in His mercy and in His graces always. Know that I am with you.
The Blessed Mother’s Words:
My dear little children, peace be with you all. Know that I come to you as a mother, as a counselor, and an advocate. Know that I intercede on your behalf constantly before our father in heaven, offering to Him each of you as beautiful roses, as gifts, for His children are great in His eyes and He loves you without end.
Dear little ones, I invite you to accept God’s love, His healing, and His forgiveness. Our Lord in heaven loves you so dearly. He reaches out to you. At every turn, at every chance, every day, in every moment, He reaches out to you. Through the faith He has planted in your hearts, through the friends and family He has given to you to be your support . . . to be your friends, through the Church that is your strength and your life, and His sacraments that do give you life and help you to live each day with the spirit of God, within you, around you, and pouring forth from you. Dear little ones, our Lord reaches out to you without ceasing. He pours forth all blessings and all graces, all things that are good, that you might embrace Him, that you might embrace His will, that you might do as He has asked you to do, that you might love Him, love your neighbor, and love yourself as He does love.
Dear little ones, our Lord will never tire of coming to you, to find you, to seek you out, to reach His hands out to you and offer to you the greatest of gifts, salvation and life with Him. Dear little ones, He has poured many blessings upon you. He has given to you blessings of the spirit, of the mind, of the body, of the soul. Dear little ones, He provides all that you need. His providence is good. Oftentimes those things that are so good that He has provided do distract you. They become, for you, stumbling blocks in your faith, in your prayer, in your life with God. Oftentimes in life, when you find yourself disappointed, failed, hurt, angry . . . you turn away from that God that has provided to you such graces, such innumerable graces, and the ability to forgive and to love and to move and grow with Him.
Dear ones, I invite you today to place in God’s hands all things that keep you from His love. Know that it is never God that turns His love from His people. He will never turn His face from you. He will never reject you. He will never offer to you anything less than His warmest embrace, the embrace of a father to a child. It is in your pain and in your sufferings, in the hardships of your life, that oftentimes you become distracted and lost. You turn your faces away from God and you find yourself struggling . . . struggling disparately . . . with those things in life that are trials and tribulations. I ask you this day, rather than go and live and do as you can do, struggling alone, embrace God. Invite Him to walk for you when you cannot walk, to talk for you when you have no words, to love for you when you cannot feel, to be your very hands and your feet, your eyes and your ears, to be all that you are, for truly, by placing yourself so completely in the trust of God, you will find healing and strength. You will find in yourself the ability to forgive, the ability to love, the ability to live a life of joy even amidst troubles and trials.
Dear ones, the Lord is a God of healing. He came to this earth to teach, to heal, and to bless. How many He healed! How many sick, how many blind, how many poor and orphaned did He aid! Our Lord is a God who loves you as you are. He is a God who desires to provide all things for you. He concerns Himself with all that concerns you, from the smallest of worries to the greatest of trials. There is nothing that you can take to God that He will not accept and embrace. There is nothing He will not assist you with. Come before Him with all of your faults, with all of your needs, with all of your trials. Place in His hands your angers, your fears, your frustrations and hurts, for it is these things that keep you from fully participating in the life of joy that God has given to you, that He has offered to you. Allow Him to take upon Himself your hurts and your pains as He took upon Himself the sins of the world. God did not design you to live a life of sorrow, of worry, of anxiety. He did not desire that you would live in a way that causes pain, in a way that causes you to be far from Him. Rather, He desires that you live in hope, live in joy . . . in His innumerable blessings.
Place yourself entirely in His care. Have the trust in your hearts that He will provide for you as any father provides for his children. He will not abandon you. He will not forsake you. He will lift you up and make you holy. He will raise you up. Just as He raised up His beloved son, our Lord and redeemer, the Father in heaven raises you up too, for Christ took upon himself all that is unholy, all that is dark, all that is death, that you might live in life, in holiness, in joy, and in light.
Dear little ones, I recommend to you that you do this through prayer. I urge you to pray. The more you pray, the stronger you will become, for God gives His strength to His people. Dear little ones, when you cannot find the words, pray in silence, pray with your heart, pray with all that you feel and all that you know. Give to God all of your trials, all of your joys. Never cease to pray. Your prayers are great. Your prayers are most precious to our Lord. When you pray, the Lord . . . He communes with you. He instructs you. He inspires you. He leads you. Listen for His voice in your life through those He has sent to be leaders, through those He has sent to be friends, through your church and your priests, through the sacraments He has given you and the gifts of love He has placed in your life. He speaks to you loudly. He speaks to you plainly. Hear His words. Follow them, for they are a comfort and a joy to His people, an encouragement, a lifting up of the spirit and a source of great joy. Dear ones, trust yourselves completely to God. Place in His hands all things and begin to live the life of hope and the life of joy He has designed for you.
My dear little ones, pray! Pray always without ceasing. Thank you for responding to my request for prayer. Continue to pray for you brothers and sisters in Christ, for prayer is such a gift and makes so many graces possible. Know that I bless you as your mother. Know that I come to you to deliver the good news that God is love and that you are His most precious children! Follow His way. Live in His light and know that He is with you.
The Blessed Mother’s Word’s:
My dear little ones, peace be with you. I greet you with joy, for this is a joyful season, a season of hope, a season of renewal, a season during which you remember the birth of our savior. You celebrate this and remember that He came into the world as a meek child. He who would be King of kings and Lord of lords, He who would be the salvation of all, came to earth with such humility, such obedience, such beautiful, perfect love for you. Rejoice in this! Celebrate with the choirs of angels and the saints of heaven. Know that I come to you in a special way with the blessings of the infant Christ.
Dear ones, I see fit to remind you at this time of year, when you meditate upon His nativity, to be as little children when you come before your father in heaven. To be as little children is to be meek, to be humble, to be filled with a contrite heart and a desire to love, to know, and to grow. Do not come before God with fears. Do not come before Him with anger. Do not come before Him with anxiety. For these things should not cross your mind. If you truly hoped in the Lord you would not let these things stay in your mind for a moment, but dismiss them as quickly as they come into your mind. Your heart would be filled with gladness and joy, for you would know that the Father in heaven takes care of you as He cares for no other creation on earth. You would have no anxiety and no worry. You would have no fear, for not even death itself can overcome you. There would be no need for you to feel anything but a great peace and a great joy before Him. Come before Him as little children come before their father . . . before their mother. With trusting eyes and a trusting heart, they reach out to them imploring their love, desiring their assistance.
My little ones, children have the purest of hearts. They have no need, no desire, no want for material goods other than that which is provided to them by their mother and father, who are to them all of the world. I ask you to do the same. Have no need for material goods, for the wants of this world, for all of those things that can distract you here, but rather have need for all that the Father provides to you. Look to Him as the Father who is all good things. Look to Him as the one who provides all that you need . . . trustingly . . . with the knowledge that He will give to you all that is good, that He will not abandon you, that He will not forsake you, but that He will lead you into a perfect peace and a perfect unity with Him.
Be as little children. Go out into the world with a desire to love, for what little child does not desire to do good, though oftentimes they are misguided? My dear ones, you who are parents know. You understand how it is to teach a little child what is right, to walk, to grow with that little child, to see in that child the spark of faith, the spark of hope, and the spark of joy. You know that in their eyes you can do no wrong. You are unfailing. It is the same with God. He is unfailing. He alone is perfection. Though you will make many mistakes in your life, God will never, ever err. He is perfect love. All that He does comes from His love. All that He is . . . is love. All that shall ever be through Him . . . is love.
Dear little ones, reflect on the birth of Christ. Reflect on how it is that He came into this world as a helpless infant born to a simple women, given to all of the world in a place unknown . . . at a time unknown. The king of all nations came into the world not crowned and clothed in royal garb, but swaddled in mere clothing, lying in a place where animals fed. Dear ones, He was born to parents who, like you, loved Him . . . love Him still, desire for Him all good things. I walked with Him and I taught Him. I showed Him the love of God. I taught Him to obey, to be meek and to be humble, to follow the law of God and subject Himself to it, for God His father . . . your father . . . He is with you. He requires so very little of you, only that you turn to Him with love, that you continue to do all that you do with love, and that in your failures you come and reconcile before Him. I raised the Christ Child as my own little boy with full knowledge that He was the son of God, the son of the Most High, and when I beheld my own infant son, I looked into the eyes of my own savior, my own redeemer, and I worshiped and adored Him.
Dear ones, do worship and adore the Christ Child this day and always in your heart. Keep Him in your heart. Invite the Lord into your life. Be as He was . . . meek and humble, long-suffering and kind, patient among tribulations, desiring all that is good, coming in a way that is more beautiful than that of splendor, than that of riches, than that which is known to this world, a materialism that is like a plague unto this earth. Come in simplicity to the Lord. Do not bother . . . do not bother with anxieties. Do not let worries encompass you. Do not let all things . . . all things that trouble you, envelop your soul, depress your spirit . . . keep you from the Father in heaven, but rejoice this day. Give all things to Him and let go of them. Place them in His care and let Him work through you, work in your life, change you and mold you into that which He desires you to be . . . His perfect creation, a model of His love, and an image of His own heart.
Dear little ones, I ask you in a special way today to pray for those who do not know my son as you know Him, for those who have not seen His love and mercy in their life, who have turned their faces away, for they desire not to know Him as you have known Him, as you have been gifted to know Him. God has gifted you with faith. He has given to you the most precious of all things, for a life lived without faith . . . it is no life at all. This is a season for you of hope, but for many it is not a season of hope, for they do not know that the Christ who is salvation, who is redemption, awaits them, beckons to them, calls to them, and desires their love, for they are loved. All people of God are loved and nothing you can do . . . not by your own will, not by any deed, not by any word . . . can remove the love of God from you, for you will be loved until the end of time.
You will be loved for all ages, for God has created you as His own children. What father forsakes his son? What mother abandons a child? Know the Lord our God is goodness and truth and beauty, and He is with you all the days of your life. Praise Him. Glorify His name. Be as the Christ Child. Be an example and a light of holiness in this world. Be a beacon in the darkness that those who have not had the gift of faith that you have received, the hope that you embrace in this season of joy, might see the light of Christ through you and might embrace Him with the fullness of their hearts.
My dear little ones, I offer to you my motherly blessing. Know that I intercede on your behalf before my infant son, that I rejoice with the angels of heaven, and I praise God with you . . . for you. Dear children, praise Him, for He alone is goodness and He alone is love.